Amazon Product Research

amazon product research

When it comes to selling on Amazon, product research plays a crucial role in your success. By understanding customer demand, analyzing competition, and assessing profitability, you can find profitable products to sell on the platform. In this section, we will explore how to do effective Amazon product research and discuss various methods and tools you can use.

Key Takeaways

  • Amazon product research is essential for successful selling on the platform.
  • By analyzing customer demand, competition, and profitability, you can identify profitable products to sell.
  • Utilize tools like Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer and Jungle Scout’s research tactics to gather data and insights.
  • Niche selection and analyzing market trends are important considerations in product research.
  • Effective product research gives you a competitive edge and increases your chances of success on Amazon.

Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer

When it comes to conducting product research on Amazon, you need a reliable and effective tool that can provide you with valuable insights. That’s where Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer comes in. This powerful ecommerce research tool is designed to help sellers uncover profitable niches and identify product demand.

With Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer, you can access up-to-date data on customer search patterns and gain valuable insights into what products are in high demand. By understanding product demand, you can make informed decisions about what to sell on Amazon and increase your chances of success.

The tool offers customizable graphs, allowing you to analyze product seasonality, historical average prices, and performance over time. This data is crucial for understanding market trends and identifying opportunities for new products or offers.

Key Features:

  • Access to up-to-date data on customer search patterns
  • Insights into product demand and profitable niches
  • Customizable graphs for analyzing product seasonality, historical average prices, and performance over time
  • Best practices and expert tips for optimizing product listings

By utilizing Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer, you can stay ahead of the competition and maximize your chances of success on the platform.

“Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer is a game-changer for sellers looking to uncover profitable niches and identify product demand. It provides valuable insights and data to make informed decisions about what to sell on Amazon.” – Emily Watson, Amazon Seller

Case Study: Uncovering Profitable Niches

Let’s take a look at a real-life example of how Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer helped a seller uncover a profitable niche.

Niche Product Demand Profitability
Home Fitness Equipment High Medium
Organic Skincare High High
Pet Accessories Medium Low

In this case study, the seller used Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer to analyze different niches. They discovered that the home fitness equipment niche had high product demand and medium profitability. On the other hand, the organic skincare niche had both high product demand and high profitability. However, the pet accessories niche had only medium product demand and low profitability.

Based on these insights, the seller decided to focus on the organic skincare niche, as it offered the best combination of high product demand and profitability. This decision proved to be successful, and the seller was able to establish a profitable business on Amazon.

By using Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer, you can uncover profitable niches, identify product demand, and make informed decisions about what to sell on Amazon. This tool is a game-changer for any seller looking to maximize their success on the platform.

Jungle Scout’s Research Tactics

When it comes to finding profitable products to sell on Amazon, Jungle Scout offers a range of effective research tactics. By utilizing these tactics, you can increase your chances of success and enhance your niche selection process.

“Niche it down”

One key tactic recommended by Jungle Scout is to “niche it down.” This involves choosing a specific sub-niche within a broader category. By doing so, you reduce competition and increase your chances of finding profitable products. For example, instead of selling “fitness equipment,” consider focusing on a specific type of equipment such as “yoga mats” or “resistance bands.” This niche selection strategy allows you to target a specific, passionate audience and establish a unique selling proposition.

Utilizing Amazon’s Bestseller Lists

Another valuable resource for product research is Amazon’s Bestseller lists. These lists showcase the top-selling products across various categories and provide insights into market trends. By analyzing the bestsellers in your desired category, you can gain inspiration, understand customer preferences, and identify potential gaps in the market. This information can guide your product selection and help you stay ahead of the competition.

Speaking with Suppliers

Don’t underestimate the importance of speaking with current suppliers. They can provide valuable insights into product demand, market trends, and potential opportunities. By establishing strong relationships with suppliers, you may gain access to exclusive product offerings or negotiate better terms. These conversations can provide you with a deeper understanding of the market, helping you make informed decisions for your Amazon business.

Competitor Analysis through Amazon PPC

Another effective tactic recommended by Jungle Scout is analyzing competitor products through Amazon PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising. By running targeted campaigns, you can gain valuable data on your competitors’ products, including their pricing, keywords, and customer engagement. This information helps you identify potential gaps, enhance your marketing strategies, and optimize your own product listings for better visibility and sales.

By utilizing these research tactics from Jungle Scout, you can enhance your Amazon product research process and increase your chances of finding the best products to sell on Amazon. Remember to “niche it down,” utilize Amazon’s Bestseller lists, speak with suppliers, and analyze competitor products through Amazon PPC. With these strategies in your arsenal, you’ll be equipped to make informed decisions and uncover hidden opportunities in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

jungle scout research tactics


In conclusion, successful Amazon product research is vital for sellers looking to thrive on the platform. By conducting thorough research, you can identify profitable products, gain insights into customer preferences, and stay ahead of the competition.

To achieve this, it’s crucial to leverage tools like Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer and Jungle Scout’s research tactics. These resources provide valuable data and strategies to help you make informed decisions and uncover hidden opportunities.

Remember to focus on niche selection, as narrowing down your target market can reduce competition and increase profitability. Keep a close eye on market trends and utilize criteria for good products to ensure maximum profitability.

By putting in the effort to conduct effective product research, you can outpace your competitors and achieve long-term success on Amazon. So, invest the time and energy into understanding your market, and reap the rewards of a well-researched product strategy.


Why is product research important on Amazon?

Product research is crucial on Amazon because it helps sellers identify profitable products, understand customer preferences, and stay ahead of the competition. By conducting thorough research, sellers can make informed decisions and uncover hidden opportunities.

What is Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer?

Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer is a powerful tool for product research on Amazon. It provides up-to-date data on customer search patterns, product demand, and profitable niches. Sellers can use this tool to identify unmet customer demand and find opportunities for new products or offers.

How can Jungle Scout’s research tactics help in finding profitable products on Amazon?

Jungle Scout offers various research tactics to help sellers find profitable products on Amazon. One key tactic is to “niche it down” by choosing a specific sub-niche within a broader category. This helps to reduce competition and increase profitability. Sellers can also utilize resources like Amazon’s Bestseller lists, speaking with current suppliers, and analyzing competitor products through Amazon PPC.

How can sellers conduct effective product research on Amazon?

In order to conduct effective product research on Amazon, sellers can utilize tools like Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer and Jungle Scout. Additionally, they can focus on niche selection, analyze market trends, and consider the criteria of good products such as demand, competition, and profitability.

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